Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day one on my Blog!

WOW!  I can't believe that I am finally posting on my blog.  This is day one.  As it stands now, I don't have
anything to interesting to say.  But in time, I will post pictures of quilts I have done, chat about my weight loss journey and whatever else comes to mind. 
This is the year that I have made financial and physical health a goal. So far, I feel I am doing quite well with both..but like anything else... I am sure I will stumble occassionaly and fall back on old habits, but with my new attitude and outlook I will move forward rather than give up.  Life is too short for regrets. I will move
forward trying new things, not letting my fear of the unknown hold me back from experiencing all the great
things life has to offer. This is going to be an awesome year!